Sunday, August 30, 2009

Grass Relays

This blog has actually been turned over in part to the captains, so this is Derek posting, I hope the other admins don't mind. Congrats to everyone on your races on Saturday! It was a really good first race of the season, and again I'd like to give an especial congratulations to the rookies, this was your first race and it was a tough one, so good job, this race was a good intro on what it's like to run on grass rather than a track, as well as a good intro into competitive running. As for the results we had a good showing with the boys taking fifth place overall in the Varsity relay and the girls making a very good showing, and I might add they beat those Brighton Bengals!!! It was a good start to the season and we need to continue to work hard and keep our eyes and minds on our ultimate goal of region and state, remember these races don't mean anything, good or bad, they're just experience and will serve to train us and make us better racers so we can be ready to reach our ultimate goal. Again good job and be prepared to continue to work hard for the next two months, it's going to be a very fun and enjoyable season!

Also don't forget the meeting in coach's room at 2:30 tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to getting more information about this topic, don't worry about negative opinions.
