Wednesday, October 24, 2007

State Pictures

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Just an update on what is going on. Tentative date and place for the Banquet: November1st in AT200. Also, we will have our fundraiser some time in November, we'll hand out the information to that at the Banquet.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

State Results

Congratluations on a great showing at state! Also, congratulations to Jameson Reich who finished 20th overall! Pictures will be posted soon. Here is the link to the Runnercard results page! Thanks to all the parents that came out yesterday and supported our team! This article was printed in the Deseret News today, some of you might find it interesting, it sounds like it is the first part of a series. congratulations again!

Monday, October 8, 2007


Here is a link to the Dereset News article in Sunday's paper. It is mostly about Skyline, but it mentions us at the very end. There are some remarks on the results page, if you want to read them, this is the link-they are fun to read! Hope this link works!

Saturday, October 6, 2007


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Region Finals

Hey Team! Congratulations on a great meet! Hillcrest qualified for state for the first time in about 12 years-be proud of what you have accomplished. Congratulations also go out to Jason Lynch who placed 6th overall and was All-Region. Here are some pictures of the meet. Have a great weekend and be ready to work hard for the upcoming State Championships.
